Mail and Package Transport Services

Fast, Save and Reliable

Royal Windsor Shuttle provide mail and package Transport door-to-door transportation for personal or businesses.We can take you over the border to Detroit! Package or mail delivery is within Ontario only. (We’re sorry, but we do not transport mail or packages into the United States.)

Royal Windsor Shuttle provide mail and package Transport door-to-door transportation for personal or businesses.We can take you over the border to Detroit! Package or mail delivery is within Ontario only. (We’re sorry, but we do not transport mail or packages into the United States.)

Secure package delivery

Service area

Windsor, Essex County, Chatham-Kent County, Detroit and Toronto

Secure mail courier service

About Our Services

Assured and speedy

You can let us know when the package needs to be delivered so that you can make sure it will arrive on time

Always On Time

With our services, you have the ability to have more control over your parcel deliveries making your business more efficient.

Safe And Secure

The professionals taking care of your packages and documents will secure your packages so that there is minimal of a chance it arriving damaged or not arriving at all.

Cost Of Service

With our service, the cost of shipping is primarily based on distance traveled, making it a more affordable choice.

Get the app

You can now download our app on Android and iOS.
Royal Windsor Shuttle dedicated to Customer Satisfaction
book your service from wherever you are.


Get the app

You can now download our app on Android and iOS.
Royal Windsor Shuttle dedicated to Customer Satisfaction
book your service from wherever you are.
